2019 AI Predictions
Most executives know that artificial intelligence (AI) has the power to change almost everything about the way they do business—and could contribute up to $15.7 trillion to the global economy by 2030. But what many business leaders don’t know is how to deploy AI, not just in a pilot here or there, but throughout the organization, where it can create maximum value.
The “how” is the sticking point with any emerging technology, and AI is no exception. How do you define your AI strategy? How do you find AI-literate workers or train existing staff? What can you do to get your data AI-ready? How do you ensure your AI is trustworthy?
To complicate matters, the answers to these questions often vary from one company to the next—and the environment is continually evolving. But businesses can’t wait for the dust to settle. AI adoption, which has happened in fits and starts, will accelerate in 2019.
AI reality check
To get a read on where organizations currently stand, we surveyed more than 1,000 US business executives at companies that are already investigating or implementing AI. A full 20% said their organizations plan to implement AI enterprise-wide in 2019. If these ambitious plans pan out, many leading US companies will become AI-enhanced—not just in pockets of the organization, but throughout their operations.
How to scale AI
Last year, we offered eight predictions about how AI was likely to develop over the course of 2018, with implications for business, government and society. The trends we identified—including AI’s true workforce impact, a call for all companies to focus on responsible AI and emerging threats around cybersecurity and national competitiveness—are even more relevant today.
But, as we head into 2019—with AI increasingly moving from the lab to offices, factories, hospitals, construction sites and consumers’ lives—a different approach is needed. We’re not just highlighting what is likely to happen; we’re telling business leaders what they must make happen with AI.
See Full Article @ https://www.pwc.com/us/en/services/consulting/library/artificial-intelligence-predictions-2019.html